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Seed Cycling for Menopause

Seed Cycling for Menopause

Dr. Jolene Brighten NMD, FABNE, is an internationally acclaimed hormone expert, nutrition scientist, and thought leader in women’s medicine (500,000 followers and growing). She is also a huge advocate for seed cycling for menopause “Seed Cycling is a powerful tool that I teach to many of my patients to gently and effectively balance their hormones. And the best part is that it works no matter what stage you are at in life— pre-menopause, postpartum, post-menopause or even at the very beginning of your reproductive years.” (link)

Menopause is a natural biological process that marks the end of a woman's reproductive years. Menopause officially begins when you don’t have a period for 12 months. It usually happens around age 51. It occurs when the ovaries gradually stop producing eggs and decrease their production of hormones, primarily estrogen and progesterone. The decrease in estrogen may lead to symptoms like vaginal dryness, mood changes, night sweats and hot flashes.

The primary estrogen in your body changes from estradiol (E2) to estrone (E1) during menopause. (link)

 The Role of Hormones in Menopause

Estrogen and progesterone: These are the primary female hormones responsible for regulating menstrual cycles, pregnancy, and other reproductive functions. As their levels decline, the body undergoes various changes.  (link)

Other hormones: While estrogen and progesterone are the most prominent, other hormones like testosterone also decrease, which can contribute to some menopausal symptoms.

Impact of Hormone Changes

The decline in hormone levels during menopause can lead to a wide range of physical and emotional symptoms, including:

  • Hot flashes   
  • Night sweats   
  • Mood swings   
  • Vaginal dryness   
  • Sleep disturbances   
  • Decreased libido   
  • Weight gain   
  • Bone loss   
  •  It's important to note that the severity and duration of these symptoms vary greatly among women

    Diagram: Shows optimial Estradiol level is 250 pmol/L. The further you deviate from that (higher or lower) the more severe the menopause symptoms. 

    How can Seed Cycling Help?

    Seed cycling is a concept that dates back to traditional medicine, used by various cultures to support women’s health. The idea is simple: by consuming 4 specific seeds during your monthly hormonal cycle, you can help regulate your hormones. It's a natural, food-based approach that aligns with your body’s rhythms. 

    The Science behind Seed Cycling

    So, what’s the science behind this practice? Seed cycling involves two main phases, each with its own set of seeds:

    1. Follicular Phase (Day 1 to 14)

      • Seeds: Flaxseeds and pumpkin seeds (HER4 PINK Sachets)
      • Benefits: Flaxseeds are rich in lignans, which can help balance estrogen levels. Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc, supporting progesterone production.
      • Menstruating / perimenopause women: Start using the HER4 pink sachets on the first day of bleeding and continue straight for 14 days. 
      • Menopause women: You can start this 14 day cycle on on any day of your month. 

    2. Luteal Phase (Day 15 to 28):

      • Seeds: Sesame seeds and sunflower seeds (HER4 Yellow Sachets)
      • Benefits: Sesame seeds also contain lignans, helping modulate estrogen. Sunflower seeds are packed with selenium, which supports liver function and hormone detoxification.
      • Menstrating / perimenopause women: Start using the yellow sachets on the day you ovulate or after you finish the first 14 pink sachets. 
      • Menopause women: Start after you finish the first 14 pink sachets

    These seeds are nutritional powerhouses, providing essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals that can support overall hormonal health.

    Why do the Seeds Need to be Ground?

    The primary reason to consume ground seeds rather than whole seeds is better digestion and nutrient absorption.

    Improved digestion: Our bodies have a harder time breaking down the tough outer shell of whole seeds. Grinding them releases the nutrients and makes them more accessible for digestion.  

    Increased nutrient absorption: When seeds are ground, the body can more efficiently absorb the beneficial compounds like fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants.

    Enhanced taste and texture: Ground seeds often blend more smoothly into foods, improving the overall taste and texture of dishes.

    How Seeds can Affect Hormones

    Hormones are like the conductors of your body’s orchestra, and seeds provide the nutrients that keep the music flowing smoothly. Here's a brief look at how these tiny wonders work:

    • Lignans: Found in flaxseeds and sesame seeds, lignans are phytoestrogens that can help balance estrogen levels by binding to estrogen receptors in the body.
    • Zinc: Pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc, which is crucial for progesterone production. Zinc helps in the production and release of insulin, a hormone vital for blood sugar control. 1 Hormonal imbalances can affect insulin resistance, and zinc can help maintain balance.
    • Selenium: Sunflower seeds contain selenium, an antioxidant that supports the detoxification of hormones in the liver, ensuring they are metabolized and excreted properly. Chronic inflammation is linked to hormonal imbalances. Selenium helps reduce inflammation, creating a more favorable environment for hormone regulation

     Why are HER4 Seed Cycling sachets a Premium Choice? 

    Join the thousands of women worldwide discovering the transformative power of seed cycling. HER4 makes it easy.

    Our convenient, pre-portioned sachets contain the perfect blend of organic seeds, promoted to support hormonal balance. No more measuring, no more mess - just pure, potent nutrition in every daily sachet.

    Convenience: Our daily sachets fit seamlessly into your busy life. Consistency is key with seed cycling so our simple daily sachets mean you can take the seeds anytime, anywhere (on that holiday, to the cafe, share them with friends)

    Quality: 100% organic ingredients, precision-ground for optimal absorption.

    Extra Boost: Our sachets include the use of 100% organic, ground black sesame seeds instead of white sesame seeds. Black sesame seeds are considered to be more nutrient dense protecting cells from damage. (link) (link)

    Why choose organic?

    Reduced Exposure to Pesticides: Organic farming prohibits the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. This means that organic seeds are less likely to contain residues of these chemicals.  

    Higher Nutrient Content: Some studies suggest that organic produce, including seeds, might have higher levels of certain nutrients. However, this isn't always the case and depends on various factors like soil quality and growing conditions.  

    Support for Sustainable Farming: Choosing organic seeds supports farming practices that prioritize soil health, biodiversity, and animal welfare.

    All HER4 seeds are sourced organically from around the world. 

    We believe in supporting your wellness journey. As you explore natural ways to navigate menopause, we want to offer you a small gift. Use code MENOPAUSE at checkout for 10% off your next seed cycling order.

    SHOP HER4 Seed Cycling Kit HERE


    Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice.

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