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Goodbye Coffee! Could you do it?

Giving up coffee permanently has been a year-long process, one filled with unexpected challenges and surprising rewards. At first, I couldn't believe that coffee could be bad for me. After all, everyone drinks it, right? It's the cornerstone of our daily routines, the elixir of productivity, the socially accepted vice. This belief was rooted deeply in the health belief theory: if everyone is doing it, how harmful could it really be?

The journey began with a realisation. Everywhere I looked, coffee was omnipresent, not just in physical spaces like cafés and offices, but in conversations, advertisements, and even in the comforting smell wafting through my home. The social-ecological model of change became evident—giving up coffee meant navigating a culture that worships it.

Moreover, coffee was my budget-friendly companion, cheaper than fancy juices and a great way to curb my appetite. But then I started noticing something that shifted my perspective entirely: many women around me were silently battling endometriosis and severe PMS, conditions often exacerbated by caffeine. This realisation stirred something in me.

I began my journey by cutting out coffee every other day. It was challenging, like missing an old friend on alternate days. To ease the transition, I allowed myself the freedom to indulge in any other drink I fancied, no matter the cost. This small change, inspired by the Tiny Habits method, made a significant difference.

Gradually, I transitioned fully to matcha. It wasn't just a replacement; it was a revelation. I started feeling more wholesome, and my taste buds seemed to awaken. I could discern a symphony of flavours that coffee had masked.

Encouraged by this success, I decided to tackle alcohol next, using a similar approach. Six months passed without coffee or alcohol, and the transformation was remarkable. I felt vibrant, almost glowing. Colours seemed brighter, and the world around me more vivid. The cravings that once felt insurmountable dwindled to rare occasions.

Now, if I genuinely want a coffee or a drink, I indulge. But more often than not, I prefer the clarity and richness of life without them. This journey has been about more than just giving up beverages; it's been about rediscovering myself and embracing what the human body is capable of when it is fully 'awake'.

Tune in to hear the inspiring journey of HER4 Community Member MaryEmma! Discover how she bravely gave up coffee and alcohol, learn her secret strategies, and hear about the amazing transformations her body experienced as a result. Don’t miss this captivating story of determination and renewal!

LISTEN TO PODCAST Show & Tell: MaryEmma goes off the pill "The clouds have been lifted"

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